In honor of an incredible year, we’ve put together some 2019 highlights from around the Jurisdiction that highlight the strength of our brotherhood.
As we enter into a new decade, we close the book on what was truly a momentous year for0 32° Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. The immeasurable generosity of our Brethren and the enduring bonds of Freemasonry were on display throughout 2019. As we reflect, it’s clear that the NMJ community is as vibrant as it has ever been.
To all our Masonic Brothers, thank you for choosing to lift others each day. In honor of an incredible year, we’ve put together some 2019 highlights from around the Jurisdiction that highlight the strength of our brotherhood.
28 Days of Masons
Early last year we put a call out for submissions for Brothers interested in being featured in our 28 Days of Masons campaign. The goal? Throughout February, celebrate Scottish Rite Masonry on social media by giving members a chance to meet and learn about the men we call Brothers.
Our call was answered and over 900 submissions were sent in. We spent the month randomly choosing and featuring a different Mason on Facebook and Twitter, putting the spotlight on a few men who make our fraternity a beacon of light in the world.
Introducing: Nice Guys
After the success of our Even Better video, we knew we had to put something special together to follow it up. At last year’s Conference of Grand Masters in North America, we unveiled our video, Nice Guys. Instilling pride in who we are, and what we are as Freemasons, the video is the newest installment in our “Not Just a Man. A Mason.” campaign.
Sammy L. Davis Peace & Freedom Recognition
Sammy Lee Davis, 33°, is a military hero who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his bravery in the Vietnam War. During the war, Brother Davis performed an extraordinary act of heroism by saving three American soldiers from an enemy barrage.
Last spring, the Scottish Rite, NMJ created The Sammy Lee Davis, Defender of Peace and Freedom veterans recognition program in his honor. It is offered to members honorably discharged from the United States military or uniformed services. Since April, 5,255 veterans have already been recognized as Sammy Lee Davis Defenders of Peace & Freedom. Each recognized Brother receives a custom-designed pin and certificate to commemorate their military service and to honor their dedication to the core values of 32° Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

Annual Meeting
In August, the Scottish Rite NMJ hosted a glorious celebration in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There were ceremonies to honor our Brothers who received the 33° degree, the Supreme Council Medal of Honor presentations, and warm welcomes given to the Scottish Rite representatives from countries around the world, including Haiti, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Greece, and Italy.
While there was much to revel in throughout the week, the pinnacle of the week’s festivities arrived when 211 Candidates were conferred the 33°. It was an unforgettable time honoring these great men and their contribution to our fraternity.
Read the full recap of Annual Meeting here.
Scottish Rite Month
To celebrate Scottish Rite Month in November, we launched a 33 Days of Brotherhood campaign. Through a series of emails and social media posts, each day from November 1st until December 3rd, we highlighted a different Brother from around the Jurisdiction. We also offered a recommended activity to help Brothers connect and better live their Masonic obligation each day.
During the 33 days, we heard uplifting stories about the great accomplishments of our brethren and saw Brothers relish in the opportunity to honor one another. It was a clear indicator that our efforts to leverage technology to deepen the connections between our members is proving effective.
Giving Tuesday
The culmination of our 33 Days of Brotherhood campaign was our second annual Giving Tuesday telethon. A night of momentous generosity, Brothers from around the Jurisdiction donated to ensure we met our goal of $332,000. By the end of the night, the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction Telethon raised $420,584, nearly 30% more than our fundraising goal for this event.
Onward and upward
While the new calendar year is only just beginning, our membership year just entered into its second half. We couldn’t be more excited to say that, thus far, nearly 1,500 new Scottish Rite Masons have been initiated this membership year. In fact, during Scottish Rite Month in November, we saw a net increase in membership by almost 700 members! This represents the second November in a row for net increases and the largest monthly net increase in some time.
This is just a microcosm of the accomplishments made throughout the Scottish Rite, NMJ in the last year. Thanks to each Brother and their families, our fraternity is thriving. The pride we all feel in Freemasonry is clearer than ever. As we move into the new decade, we are excited for all that lays ahead and look forward to gaining more light together in the years to come.
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