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Supreme Council surveyed 1,000 men across the United States about Freemasonry’s appeal to men today. The response was clear: the concept of fraternity is alive and well, and the organization’s message and identity remain timeless.

This research led to the creation of The Path Forward, an integrated, strategic marketing initiative to build Freemasonry at the state and local levels. From email to social media marketing tactics, these free, easy-to-follow resources empower Brethren to stoke Freemasonry’s visibility in their own lodges and Valleys.

Follow-Up: Freemasonry's Not-So-Secret Weapon

Since the launch of The Path Forward, there has been renewed energy behind growing the ranks of Freemasonry. We’ve seen increasing interest in joining. However, following up with prospective members in a timely fashion remains an Achilles’ heel for many. Following up with potential members is the crucial step that can determine the difference between a missed opportunity and a thriving relationship.

Our free e-book will share why effective follow-up strategies are so critical to growing our fraternity, as well as teach Masons what effective follow-up looks like. You'll also enjoy case studies from Lodges across the jurisdiction that have successfully implemented follow-up procedures and are seeing success.

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Follow-Up: Freemasonry's Not-So-Secret Weapon Cover

Email Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started

Email marketing is an effective way to communicate directly with active and prospective members, keeping them up to date on your latest news, events, and offerings.

Our free guide will give you tips on how to make the most of email marketing. From getting started and designing emails to segmenting lists and monitoring results, we’ve got you covered.

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Masonic Marketing Series - Email Marketing

Social Media: Using A Facebook Page for Your Organization

Social media is an essential tool for connecting with existing and potential Brothers. Social media platforms like Facebook allow us to share news in real-time and engage in conversations with Masons all over the world.

Download our free Facebook guide for tips on creating and maintaining an organizational Facebook page. Even if you’re currently managing a page, our guide has unique content ideas to try on your page.

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Social Media: Facebook Boosted Posts

Why put money (aka) boost behind some Facebook posts? You may not realize this, but not everything you post to Facebook is seen by your page followers. “Boosting” important posts helps you reach a larger audience and make sure your message is seen by the right people.

Learn how to set up, manage, and optimize boosted posts in our free guide.

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Digital Marketing for Masons: 4 Ways to Promote Your Organization Online

To help you promote our Craft and grow your lodge’s fraternal bonds, we’re excited to share our digital marketing essentials toolkit.

Download our free guide to learn the top digital marketing tactics that you can use to strengthen engagement, increase member retention, and further Freemasonry.

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Google Business Profiles: A Step-by-Step Guide for Raising Your Visibility On Google

Google is the world's most visited website, with more than 8.5 billion searches each day. A Google Business Profile is a free, simple way to expand your online reach.

Download our free guide on how to create a Google Business Profile for your lodge or Valley and learn best tips for optimizing and maintaining your listing.

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Valley Talking Points Handbook: Ready-to-Present Short Talks for Reunions/Events

Our Valley Talking Points handbook makes it easy to present useful information to Scottish Rite candidates and prospective members – all in the form of short talks. In this handbook you will find ready-to-read talks, including:

  • A General Address to Your Valley
  • 32° Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction at a glance
  • The Scottish Rite System of Degrees
  • The Passport Program
  • Scottish Rite, NMJ Charities
  • Scottish Rite, NMJ Member Resources
  • The Path Forward at a glance
  • Journey On at a glance
  • Scottish Rite Awards & Medals
  • And more!

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Scottish Rite: 6 Ways to Live Our Core Values

At the Scottish Rite, we adhere to six Core Values, in addition to our Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. These values serve as a blueprint to our daily dealings, and an easy shorthand to applying the Craft in all we do.

Learn more in our e-book about how to apply our Scottish Rite Core Values to your everyday.

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Masonic Marketing Series

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