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Supreme Council Membership Certificate, Pocket Watch, Jewel, and Ring

Medals and Awards

Honoring Our Brothers

Though their appearances differ, one commonality among each of the Scottish Rite Medals & Awards is that each reflects our Core Value of “Service To Humanity.”

Distinguished service to Freemasonry, Country, and Humanity are all hallmarks and defining characteristics of the selfless service demonstrated by their respective recipients. 

Learn more about the significance of our Medals & Awards and those individuals to which they have been awarded.

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“So far as I am acquainted with the principles and doctrines of Freemasonry, I conceive it to be founded in benevolence and to be exercised only for the good of mankind.”

gourgas medal

Gourgas Medal

The most distinguished honor conferred by this Supreme Council is the "Gourgas Medal" named in honor of Ill. John James Joseph Gourgas, 33°, Founder of this Supreme Council, an outstanding leader known to the Craft as the "Conservator of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry."

This Medal may be conferred by the Supreme Council, (or by the Sovereign Grand Commander) upon a member of our Jurisdiction, or of any other Jurisdiction with which we are in amity, in recognition of notably distinguished service in the cause of Freemasonry, country or humanity.

supreme council medal of honor

Supreme Council Medal of Honor

The Medal of Honor may be conferred by the Supreme Council or by the Sovereign Grand Commander upon any person, whether or not a member of our jurisdiction or a member of any Body of the Rite, in recognition of distinguished service to Freemasonry, country, or humanity.

daniel d. tompkins award

Tompkins Medal For Distinguished Service

The Daniel D. Tompkins Award is named for Daniel D. Tompkins, first Sovereign Grand Commander of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. He also served the nation as vice president, under President James Monroe. 

It may be conferred by the Supreme Council or by the Sovereign Grand Commander upon a deserving Masonic or Scottish Rite Brother who has rendered outstanding distinguished and exemplary service to his country or the Masonic fraternity at large not often witnessed among the general membership. 

sovereign grand commander's medal for distinguished service

SGC's Medal For Distinguished Service

The Sovereign Grand Commander may, at his discretion, ­bestow his personal award upon a deserving Masonic or Scottish Rite Brother whom he considers to have rendered outstanding distinguished and exemplary service to the Masonic fraternity at large. The recipient of this prestigious award must have demonstrated such service to the ­Scottish Rite not often witnessed among the general membership.

harry s. truman medal

Harry S. Truman Medal for Outstanding Citizenship

The Illustrious Harry S. Truman Award for outstanding citizenship may be conferred by the Supreme Council or by the Sovereign Grand Commander upon any person, male or female, for outstanding leadership and citizenship in the recipient's locality, state, or country. This prestigious award also may be conferred upon a person rendering exemplary and conspicuous service to the Scottish Rite or Freemasonry at large.

sovereign grand inspectors general medal

33° - Sovereign Grand Inspectors General

Achieving the 33° is an honor that can be bestowed upon a Scottish Rite Mason. It is not campaigned for. It is granted solely by the Supreme Council. A 33° Mason is a Master Mason who has exhibited knowledge, passion and sacrifice to his Craft. 

The Supreme Council awards the 33° as a way of honoring outstanding and selfless work performed in the Rite or in public life. At its annual session the Supreme Council elects members of the Rite to receive the degree. Members unanimously so elected become Honorary Members of the Supreme Council.

meritorious service medal

Meritorious Service Award

The Meritorious Service Award (MSA) may be conferred upon members of the Rite in this Jurisdiction who have attained the 32° and who by reason of meritorious service of a Masonic character are deemed worthy of such recognition.

Youth Advisor 2021 Display

Youth Advisor of the Year Award

In 2021, the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction created this award to To honor the contributions of those who commit themselves to supporting the development of our Masonic youth. To be eligible, one must be a recognized Advisor of DeMolay International, Job’s Daughters International, The International Order of Rainbow for Girls, or The Organization of Triangles, Inc. (New York only) from one of the 15 states of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. One Advisor may be nominated by the adult head of their respective organization within their state.

medal for masonic service

Medal For Masonic Service

The Medal for Masonic Service may be conferred by the Supreme Council or by the Sovereign Grand Commander upon any Master Mason, whether or not a member of this jurisdiction, who fully embodies the tenets of the Masonic fraternity, based on the recommendation of three of his peers in his locality. The Sovereign Grand Commander shall provide nomination forms upon request and establish such timetables for award ceremonies as he deems advisable. Nominations must come through the Active Membership.

sammy lee davis peace and freedom pin

Sammy Lee Davis Peace & Freedom Recognition

One of the Scottish Rite Core Values is Devotion to Country. It is highly fitting for the NMJ to have a formal way to recognize our veteran Brothers who bravely and faithfully upheld their duty to our nation. Men like Brother Davis served in our armed forces in the pursuit of peace and the hope of freedom. It is an honor for all of us — our entire Scottish Rite Brotherhood — to name this award after Sammy Lee Davis.

Learn more about the Sammy Lee Davis Peace & Freedom Recognition on our blog.

HGA medal

Hauts Grades Academie

At full completion, a graduate will earn the honor of becoming a Scottish Rite Hauts Grades Academic, and will be entitled to include the letters HGA after his name. A certificate and HGA jewel will also be awarded upon completion. The overall goal of this program is an enriching educational experience. Sapere Aude!

sublime prince of the royal secret medal

Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret Recognition

Upon successful completion of a Gold Passport, a Scottish Rite, NMJ member shall receive the Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret Recognition jewel as a token of this great accomplishment and acknowledgement of the time and resources dedicated to the Scottish Rite, NMJ.

Learn more about our Scottish Rite Passport program.

Ben Franklin

Benjamin Franklin Award of Distinction

Each year, Blue Lodges around the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction (NMJ) rededicate themselves to the ongoing work of Freemasonry. The Supreme Council Strategic Planning Committee developed a distinguished recognition that Valleys can present to lodges celebrating significant milestones.

Known as the Benjamin Franklin Award of Distinction, it can be presented to any lodge in the NMJ to recognize 50 years of service and 25-year increments thereafter. 

Valley Secretaries can submit requests for this award at Please allow 6-8 weeks lead time for production and delivery.


Americanism Award (Junior ROTC and ROTC)

Devotion to Country and Service to Humanity are two of Scottish Rite's six Core Values, which is why we are so pleased to recognize and honor youth who demonstrate leadership, academic achievement, and patriotism with our Americanism ROTC and JROTC Awards. 

The Junior ROTC distinction recognizes high school youth enrolled in the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) with an award for their scholastic excellence and demonstrated ideals of Americanism. The award consists of a medal and ribbon to be worn on the JROTC uniform and a certificate suitable for framing.

The ROTC initiative recognizes second- and third-year cadets enrolled in the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) who are outstanding in their class academically and in character. Three recognitions are awarded: a certificate suitable for framing; a medal engraved with the Scottish Rite double-headed eagle, ROTC Education, and Americanism; and a ribbon to wear along with the medal when wearing the ROTC uniform.

  • Eligibility for ROTC Americanism Award:

    To be eligible, the cadet must:

    • Have contributed the most among cadets on campus to encourage and demonstrate Americanism by deeds or conduct during participation in extracurricular activities or community projects;
    • Have demonstrated academic excellence by being in the top 25% of his or her academic class;
    • Have demonstrated a potential for outstanding leadership by exhibiting qualities of dependability, good character, self-discipline, good citizenship and patriotism; and
    • Not have previously received this award

    Administration or Selection:

    For the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, requests for the award should be made to the Supreme Council headquarters in Lexington, Massachusetts. Requests may be made at any time during the calendar year.

    The preferred nomination process is made by completing this form.

    For JROTC: The DAI/SAI or other senior Service official or the head of the school (or both) will make the selection.

    For ROTC: The Professor of Military/Naval Science will make the selection.

    Presentation and Publicity:

    With 30 days’ prior notice of the presentation ceremony, and whenever possible, a member of the Scottish Rite in the state where the school is located will be identified to assist in making the presentation.

    For Information about Ordering JROTC or ROTC Medals:

    Northern Masonic Jurisdiction

    For high schools or colleges/universities located within the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, JROTC/ROTC officials of high schools or colleges/universities should direct their inquiries to Bob Kefalas at 800-814-1432, Ext. 3351.

    Southern Jurisdiction

    If the high schools or colleges/universities located within the Southern Jurisdiction do not have a point of contact, JROTC/ROTC officials of high schools or colleges/universities should direct their inquiries to Crystal Tolson at 202-777-3126 or by email. Scottish Rite Valley Secretaries of the Southern Jurisdiction may also contact Crystal Tolson.

    • 1995 Ill∴ Sidney R. Baxter, 33°
    • 1996 Ill∴ Robert L. Miller Sr. , 33°
    • 1997 Ill∴ A. Norman Johnson, 33°
    • 1997 Ill∴ J. Philip Berquist, 33°
    • 1999 Ill∴ Robert B. Nienow, 33°
    • 1999 Ill∴ Kenneth V. Kettlewell, 33°
    • 2002 Ill∴ Douglas N. Winter, 33°
    • 2002 Ill∴ James W. Salmons Jr., 33°
    • 2002 Ill∴ John R. Teller Jr., 33°
    • 2002 Ill∴ Robert W. Clarke, 33°
    • 2003 Ill∴ Lawrence D. Inglis, 33°
    • 2004 Ill∴ Philip L. Hall, 33°
    • 2004 Ill∴ Thurman C. Pace, 33°
    • 2005 Ill∴ Robert E. Hansen, 33°
    • 2005 Ill∴ Phillip C. Kenney, 33°
    • 2005 Ill∴ James E. Olmstead, 33°
    • 2006 Ill∴ Richard C. Ellis, 33°
    • 2007 Ill∴ C. DeForrest Trexler, 33°
    • 2007 Ill∴ Richard H. Curtis, 33°
    • 2008 Ill∴ Robert N. Osborne, 33°
    • 2008 Ill∴ Gardner C. "Cy" Sconyers, 33°
    • 2008 Ill∴ Bill C. Anthis, 33°
    • 2009 Ill∴ Norman R. Buecker, 33°
    • 2009 Ill∴ Norman L. Christensen, 33°
    • 2010 Ill∴ Alfred E. Rice
    • 2010 Ill∴ Richard V. Travis, 33°
    • 2010 Ill∴ Verdon R. Skipper, 33°
    • 2011 Ill∴ Robert L. Steadman, 33°
    • 2011 Ill∴ Arthur J. Kurtz, 33°
    • 2011 Ill∴ Harold L. Aldrich, 33°
    • 2012 Ill∴ Jim S. Deyo, 33°
    • 2013 Ill∴ Ronald G. “Pete" Forrest, 33°
    • 2013 Ill∴ Richard B. Burgess, 33°
    • 2015 Ill∴ John W. McNaughton, 33°
    • 2015 Ill∴ James L. Tungate, 33°
    • 2015 Ill∴ Russell W. Baker, 33°
    • 2015 Ill∴ Gail N. Kemp, 33°
    • 2016 Ill∴ James R. Spencer Jr., 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ David R. Bedwell Sr., 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ Thomas K. Sturgeon, 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ Benny L. Grisham, 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ Keith Hoskins, 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ Peter J. Samiec, 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ Robert F. Ogg Jr., 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ John T. Phillips, 33°
    • 2019 Ill∴ Samuel C. Williamson, 33°
    • 2019 Ill∴ William E. Holland, 33°, MSA
    • 2021 Ill∴ Wayne C. Temple, 33°, MSA
    • 2021 Ill∴ George Nakonetschny, 33°
    • 2021 Ill∴ Eberhard Desch, 33°
    • 2023 Ill∴ Douglas R Policastro, 33°
    • 2023 Ill∴ Richard W. Elliot, 33°
    • 2023 Ill∴ Mark C. Roth, 33°
    • 2013 Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32°
    • 2013 Leonard G. Lomell, 32°
    • 2013 Ill∴ William D. Sizemore, 33°
    • 2013 Ill∴ William G. Batchelder, 33°
    • 2014 Joseph Warren
    • 2014 Ill∴ John F. Surbeck Jr., 33°
    • 2016 Ill∴ Jeffrey B. Hodgdon, 33°
    • 2016 Ill∴ Jeffrey W. Coy, 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ Robert Hannon, 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ William E. Holland, 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ Robert G. Elrod, 33°
    • 2018 Robert P. Hunt
    • 2018 Ill∴ Sammy L. Davis, 33°
    • 2019 A. Edward Pierce, 32°, MSA
    • 2019 Ill∴ Emmett E. Mills, 33°
    • 2019 Ill∴ Thomas N. Moe, 33°
    • 2019 Ill∴ Jeffrey S. Greene, 33°
    • 2019 W. Daniel Hill, 32°
    • 2019 Ill∴ Earl T. Kuhn, Jr., 33°
    • 2020 William D. Haller, 32°
    • 2020 Robert N. Stutz, 32°
    • 2021 Ill∴ Robert V. Monacelli, 33°
    • 2021 Ill∴ David S. Collins, 33°, MSA
    • 2021 Vytautas V. Paukstys, 32°
    • 2021 Ill∴ William M. Sardone, 33°
    • 2022 Ill∴ Roger Pellerin, 33°, MSA
    • 2022 Vince Baker
    • 2022 Alan B. Berg, 32°
    • 2023 Harvey S. Sutton, 32º
    • 2023 Richard H. Hamilton, 32º
    • 2023 Ill∴ Thurman C. Pace, Jr., 33º
    • 2023 Ill∴ C. Michael Watson, 33º
    • 2023 Ill∴ Richard J. Kessler, 33°, MSA
    • 2023 Enoch O Woodhouse II, 32°
    • 2009 Ill∴ David W. Lovering, 33°
    • 2009 Bro. Francis S. Key III, 32
    • 2009 Ill∴ Victor M. Frederick III, 33°
    • 2009 Ill∴ Dennis R. Williamson, 33°
    • 2010 Ill∴ Malcolm B. Wernik, 33°
    • 2010 Bro. John Homa, 32°
    • 2010 Ill∴ James S. DeMond, 33°
    • 2010 Ill∴ Morphis A. Jamiel, 33°
    • 2010 Ill∴ George E. Proctor, 33°
    • 2010 Ill∴ Robert Johnston, 33°
    • 2010 Ill∴ David J. Smith Jr., 33°°
    • 2010 Ill∴ Ralph C. Wilson, 33°
    • 2010 Ill∴ Seamus P. McCaffery, 33°
    • 2010 Ill∴ Morton S. Negin, 33°
    • 2010 Ill∴ Robert B. Bailey, 33°
    • 2010 Ill∴ Denis E. Ribordy, 33°
    • 2011 Ill∴ Gary P. Wendt, 33°
    • 2011 Ill∴ Jon E. Greim, 33°
    • 2011 Ill∴ Michael B. Myers, 33°
    • 2011 Ill∴ Samuel R. Andrews, 33°°
    • 2011 Ill∴ Grady Edge, 33°
    • 2011 Ill∴ Fred S. Kile, 33°
    • 2011 Ill∴ Robert A. Hinshaw. 33°
    • 2011 Ill∴ Kenneth L. Larsen, 33°
    • 2011 Ill∴ Henry B. Rand, 33°
    • 2011 Ill∴ Robert R. Currie Jr., 33°
    • 2012 Ill∴ Arthur L. “Bud” Rockwell, 33°
    • 2012 Ill∴ Chester D. Staples, 33°
    • 2012 Ill∴ Charles F. Gambill, 33°
    • 2012 Ill∴ John E. Adams, Jr., 33°
    • 2012 Ill∴ Howard L. Graff, 33°
    • 2012 Ill∴ Gregory R. Klemm, 33°
    • 2013 Ill∴ Thomas H. Corson, 33°
    • 2013 Ill∴ William J. Sauget, 33°
    • 2014 Ill∴ Gail N. Smith, 33°
    • 2014 Ill∴ Ronald J. Bethune, 33°
    • 2014 Ill∴ Paul E. Reichart, 33°
    • 2014 Ill∴ Steven C. Stefanakos, 33°
    • 2015 Ill∴ Emory W. Bryan Jr., 33°
    • 2015 Ill∴ Kurt R. Grosse, 33°
    • 2015 Ill∴ Samuel C. Williamson, 33°
    • 2015 Ill∴ George S. Nelson, 33°
    • 2015 Ill∴ James G. Fidler, 33°
    • 2016 Ill∴ Joseph T. Mezzina, 33°
    • 2016 Ill∴ Maurice C. Heater Jr., 33°
    • 2016 Ill∴ Larry J. Newhard, 33°
    • 2016 Ill∴ Delmar J. Proctor Jr., 33°
    • 2016 Ill∴ Alfred J. Edwards, 33°
    • 2016 Ill∴ Thomas M. Maxwell, 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ Henry J. Stein, 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ Noel L. Sell, 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ James W. Patton, 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ Kamel Oussayef, 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ Kevin S. Williams, 33°
    • 2017 Ill∴ J. Robert Deissler, 33°
    • 2018 Ill∴ David A. Auchey, 33°
    • 2018 Ill∴ Duane L. Vaught, 33°
    • 2018 Ill∴ Roger H. Pellham, 33°, MSA
    • 2019 Ill∴ Steven A. Morrison, 33°
    • 2019 Ill∴ Yasser A. Al-Khatib, 33°, MSA, HGA
    • 2019 Ill∴ Elquemedo O Alleyne, 33°, HGA
    • 2019 Ill∴ Mohamad A. Yatim, 33°, MSA, HGA
    • 2019 Ill∴ Leonard Vander Horn, 33°, MSA
    • 2021 Ill∴ Eugene A. Capobianco, 33°
    • 2021 Ill∴ Guy F. Chapman, 33°
    • 2021 Ill∴ Charles Earle Briggs, 33°
    • 2021 Ill∴ Delmar J. Proctor, Jr., 33°
    • 2021 Ill∴ William L. Doctor, 33°, MSA
    • 2021 Ill∴ Jerry O. Deeter, 33°
    • 2021 Gregory L. Kimberling
    • 2021 Ill∴ J. David Kline, 33°
    • 2021 James R. Smith, KCCH
    • 2021 Ill∴ Jeffrey L. Sowder, 33°
    • 2022 Ill∴ William H. Berman, 33°
    • 2022 Ill∴ Roger W Gaskill, 33°, MSA
    • 2022 Ill∴ Thomas E Pulkkinen, 33°
    • 2022 Conor P. Moran, 32°, HGA
    • 2022 Ill∴ Gerry L. Williams, 33°, MSA
    • 2022 Ill∴ Parris Don Alunni, 33°
    • 2022 Ill∴ Corey D. Hawkins, Sr., 33°
    • 2022 Ill∴ James D. Cole, 33°
    • 2022 Ill∴ Melvin Bazemore, 33°
    • 2022 Ill∴ J. Brian McNaughton, 33°
    • 2023 Ill∴ James N. Edwards, 33°
    • 2023 Ill∴ Jeffrey L. Bryden, 33°
    • 2023 Ill∴ Alan R. Heath, 33°, MSA
    • 2023 Ill∴ Douglas N. Kaylor, 33°
    • 2021 - Sara Wyatt
    • 2022 - Lynda Pinaud
    • 2023 - Randall J. Meschutt, 32°
    • 2023 - Lonnie R. Cox, 32º, MSA
    • 2023 - Leonard Crofford, 32º
    • 2021 - Crissy Willeke, Alexandria, Ohio
    • 2022 - David W Berry, 33°, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
    • 2023 - Lois Taylor, Nashua, New Hampshire

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