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What is Journey On?

Journey On is the award-winning campaign from the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, designed to accomplish these objectives:

  • Inspire current members to reconnect with what it means to be a Scottish Rite Mason
  • Reaffirm the power and fulfillment that comes with seeking more light
  • Reawaken Masons to their singularity as men committed to journeying deeper into the highest principles and ideals of the Masonic Craft
  • Reaffirm our connection in Brotherhood to other worthy, like-minded men
  • Inspire Master Masons continue their journey in Freemasonry through our degrees, Core Values, and expanded fraternal Brotherhood

Explore the Campaign

What does it mean to Journey On?

Journey On is about continuing one’s growth as a man and as a Mason.

In the Blue Lodge, we learn the profound secrets and lessons of Freemasonry. For most, it is a life-changing experience driven by self-realization, self-improvement, and spiritual awakening.

Men of the Scottish Rite journey on through 29 degrees – degrees that expand Masonic teachings in order to help good men become the most noble versions of themselves.

Watch the video on our Core Value, Tolerance.

How Does a Master Mason Continue His Journey in Scottish Rite?

Freemasons are known as travelling men. Masons are charged with travelling from the west to the source of light in the east. Light in Masonry is knowledge, and from that knowledge comes awareness, understanding, and wisdom.

The 29 Scottish Rite degrees reflect our Core Values and provide a rich path to “more light” in Masonry. Through the degrees, educational resources, and shared experiences with Brethren from across the jurisdiction, there is no end to the symbolic journey a Master Mason can take within the Scottish Rite.

Watch our Core Value video, Service to Humanity.

What are the Core Values of Scottish Rite?

Scottish Rite Freemasonry is guided by six Core Values:

Reverence for God | Integrity | Justice | Tolerance
Service to Humanity | Devotion to Country

Collectively, the Core Values represent our guide stars for our dealings within Freemasonry and outside the fraternity. A large part of the Journey On campaign explores the power of these values in everyday life.

Watch the Core Value video, Reverence for God.

Why Did We Create "Journey On"?

First, we developed the “Not Just a Man. A Mason.” campaign to attract worthy men to Blue Lodge Freemasonry. And it’s working.

Now with Journey On, we invite all Master Masons to answer the call to journey deeper into the Craft they love and explore the teachings they crave.

What’s more, Journey On is meant to inspire Freemasons to persevere as men of integrity and light, especially in challenging times.

You can watch the Core Value video on Integrity.

What’s the difference between Not Just a Man. A Mason. and Journey On?

Not Just a Man. A Mason. focuses on helping men take the first step to becoming a Freemason.

Journey On reminds Master Masons there is always more to answering the call; there is no last step in our journey through the Craft.

Watch our Core Value video on Devotion to Country.

How is the campaign used? What does it include?

The Journey On campaign is used to inspire more Master Masons to consider the Scottish Rite as a way to continue their growth as men and as Masons. 

It consists of videos and print ads. The campaign also includes accompanying signage, informational pieces, social media and website assets. All materials are shared with Scottish Rite Valleys and members alike for their use.

Watch our final Core Value video on Justice

Visit our Journey On Assets Page

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