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32° Scottish Rite Freemasonry

Journey On to the 32°

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Why Join the Scottish Rite, NMJ?

The mission of the Scottish Rite is to enhance a Master Mason’s journey towards wisdom and enlightenment. The 29 Scottish Rite degrees delve into the tenets of the Craft allowing you to explore your passion for Freemasonry while connecting to a greater purpose.

Membership is open to Master Masons who wish to continue to seek more light. The Scottish Rite’s degrees, programming, charities, and extended Brotherhood empower your journey to greater personal and spiritual growth.

Take the next step in your Masonic journey – apply today.



Learn More About the Scottish Rite

Download Our Informational Flyer

Fill out the form below to learn more about the degrees, Core Values, and charities that make the Scottish Rite, NMJ a premium experience for Master Masons looking for more light.

Once your form is submitted, check your inbox for your free Scottish Rite flyer!

Our Degrees

Beginning with the 4°, Scottish Rite’s 29 degrees expand on the lessons of the symbolic lodge, revealing a wealth of knowledge about Freemasonry not found in other degrees.

Presented in the form of allegorical plays both in-person and virtually, our degrees display Masonic philosophy in ways that inspire greater knowledge and self-reflection. 




Our Core Values

Based on the teachings of the Scottish Rite degrees, our six Core Values form a common, indelible bond between 32° Scottish Rite Brothers. Our Core Values are: 

  • Integrity
  • Justice
  • Tolerance
  • Service to Humanity
  • Devotion to Country
  • Reverence for God



Our Charities

Our Brothers are committed to inspiring positive change in the world. Whether it’s supporting our Children’s Dyslexia Centers or providing direct relief to Brothers in need through our Grand Almoner’s Fund, Scottish Rite Masons fulfills our obligation to care for one another.




Frequently Asked Questions

Want to learn more about what it means to belong to Scottish Rite Freemasonry? Explore our frequently asked questions below.

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