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Apron and Membership Certificate

Valley of Excellence Program

Valley of Excellence Overview

The Valley of Excellence award recognizes Valleys in the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction who go above and beyond in their endeavors.

With focuses on areas of membership, service/philanthropy, leadership development and operations, this program encourages Valleys to deliver a premier Scottish Rite experience to their members.

How it Works: Scoring

To compete for the Valley of Excellence Award, Valleys have to accomplish as much as possible from the scoring outline below in a single census year (June 16 to June 15 of the following year). The scoring is built on a scaling method based on the size of each Valley, and is broken down into four key areas which add up to 100%. These four key areas are broken down into subcategories with their own percentages that make up the key area’s total percentage. Please see the scoring outline for reference.

valley of excellence trophy

How it Works

Earning Points

How do Valleys earn the maximum number of points in each category to become a Valley of Excellence? We break down the criteria for each category below. Partial credit can be obtained for each sub-category with the exception of tasks listed under the Operations category.

Download our Valley of Excellence guide for a detailed summary and important considerations for the 2023-2024 census year.

Perfect Scoring
For a look into how Valleys can achieve this award with a perfect score, read our blog to learn how the Valley of The Firelands accomplished just that.

  • Membership is the lifeblood of the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. It is what drives our programs and experience in our Valleys. Therefore, it is evident that the Membership category makes up the largest percent of the Valley of Excellence award.

    Recruitment and Restoration - 30%

    The leaders of the Valley will work together to set a membership recruitment number goal for the year. To achieve full credit for the recruitment category, the Valley must achieve their full recruitment goal. To receive partial credit, the Valley will achieve at least 75% of their stated goal. The partial credit will be adjusted according to the percentage of goal achieved.

    Engagement - 20%

    To earn credit for the Engagement subcategory, the Valley will need to accomplish all tasks on the list below. Each section of this subcategory adds up to the overall 20%.

    • Host a minimum of two Reunions – 3%
    • Host a minimum of six Family Life/Brotherhood events – 3%
    • Host a minimum of four “Rite on the Road” events (Initiations, lodge showcases, etc.) – 3%
    • Host a minimum of two new member orientations – 3%
    • Contact 100% of the Valley’s total membership through the Brother-to-Brother program – 8%

    Preservation - Qualifier

    In order to receive points within Recruitment and Restoration category, suspensions for non-payment of dues must be less than or equal to, 4% NPD.

    For tips and ideas on member retention, read this blog from the Valley of Rockville Centre and study this system created by the Masonic Renewal Committee.

  • Service and philanthropy is how we change lives.

    Service Events - 5%

    The Valley will organize, host, and implement four or more service events per year. In the Valley’s annual report, they must present how many members participated in the events and total service hours completed for each event.

    Sweethearts Program - 5%

    At least twice annually, communicate and/or host an event for sweethearts (significant others of deceased members) and/or their families. Valleys must share the stories with Supreme Council in their annual report.

    Grand Almoner’s Fund or local Almoner's Fund - 5%

    The Valley will annually donate at least $2 per member to the Supreme Council Grand Almoner’s Fund or their own Almoner's/Hospitaler's fund (if established). These donations are Valley-based and donated by the Valley on behalf of its members. This category will be calculated by Valleys and the Supreme Council at the conclusion of the census year.

    Champion a Charity - 5%

    The Valley may select a charity of their choice to “champion” and support. They will annually donate the equivalent of $2 per Valley member to this charity. The Scottish Rite, NMJ encourages the Valley to choose their local Children’s Dyslexia Center. These donations are Valley based and donated by the Valley on behalf of its members.

    Blue Envelope - 5%

    To accomplish credit for this subcategory, the Valley will have at least 10% or more total members donate to the Blue Envelope campaign. Credit will be applied to the member’s Lodge of Perfection Valley unless otherwise specified. The Blue Envelope campaign runs from October 1 to June 15.

  • For the Leadership Development category, there is partial credit for subcategories. Points will scale accordingly based on activity in that category.

    State Participation – 5%

    The Valley will have a minimum of four members participate in a Council of Deliberation or other state meeting.

    Membership Education – 5%

    The Valley will have at least 5% of their membership attend a local, regional, or NMJ sponsored membership seminar per year.

    Mentoring Program – 5%

    The Valley will host one mentoring programs within the year. Examples of a mentoring program include new member orientation, new presiding officer’s workshop, etc.

    Read our article for other tips on welcoming new members.

  • For the Operations category, there is NO partial credit for subcategories. You need to fulfill what is required to receive points for that subcategory. It is vital that our Valleys are completing all required administrative tasks and operations in order to effectively run.

    Finances – 2%

    The Valley will annually complete their per capita, budget, and insurance on time. No late payments unless otherwise approved by the Sovereign Grand Commander. This category will be calculated by Supreme Council at the conclusion of the census year.

    990/Annual Report – 2%

    The Valley will annually complete and submit their 990 and annual report. This category will be calculated by Supreme Council at the conclusion of the census year.

    Presiding Officers – 2%

    The Valley will annually submit their presiding officer information using the online form. This includes officers who are serving multiple years/terms. This category will be calculated by Supreme Council at the conclusion of the census year.

    New Member Registration – 2%

    The Valley should on average register 4° (Lodge of Perfection) new members within 10 days. This category will be calculated by Supreme Council at the conclusion of the census year.

    Communications - 2%

    The Valley will send at least 20 units of communications to their members every year. Social media accounts count as one specific unit of communication as do email communications and printed newsletters. For instance, having a Facebook page is one unit of communication for the year, having a Twitter account is one unit of communication for the year, etc.


    12 monthly letters = 12 units

    4 newsletters = 4 units

    For best practices on communicating with Valley brethren, read this blog from the Indiana COD social media team. For help getting started, check out our Masonic Marketing Series for resources on setting up Facebook, email marketing, and more.

Rated Vo E

Have Questions About the VOE Program?

The Scottish Rite, NMJ’s Membership Team is championing the Valley of Excellence Program, providing updates, and fielding inquiries. For more information about the program, please send us an email.

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