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The Path Forward

In 2016, the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite commissioned the most comprehensive, data-driven analysis of the Scottish Rite and Freemasonry in more than 20 years.

The results of that study are outlined by former Sovereign Grand Commander John Wm. McNaughton in his the seminal work, Reclaiming the Soul of Freemasonry

Among many things learned, this effort crystalizes three important elements that forge our path forward:

  1. WE WILL increase our engagement with members of the Scottish Rite.
  2. WE WILL embrace technology to further engagement in between the times that we see our Brothers in person.
  3. WE WILL become a strong and clear voice for Freemasonry, working with all Brethren to attract good men to the Craft, and in turn, 32° Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

From our anthemic Not Just a Man. A Mason. and Journey On campaigns to Thursday Night at the Rite, The Path Forward is the driving force behind the innovation and refinement of our programs and offerings.

SR Path Forward Front Cover

The Latest Research on Freemasonry from The Supreme Council

The Path Forward: Empowering the Future of Freemasonry

As dramatic as the 2016 study findings were, the Supreme Council felt much had changed by 2023. It was time for a reassessment: Do those findings still hold true? Is the Path Forward still the right path?

The Path Forward team updated the 2016 study in its entirety and sought to understand what would motivate men to join Freemasonry and what, if anything, had changed in nearly a decade. These findings are detailed in a new book, The Path Forward: Empowering the Future of Freemasonry.

The Path Forward not only examines how perceptions and motivation to join Freemasonry has evolved, but also the impact of the original research findings in creating a Masonic renaissance. 

The Path Forward team details what has worked and how Freemasonry must continue to evolve to meet the needs of Millennial men.


Behind the Study & Key Findings

To design and execute this latest research, the Supreme Council worked with CerconeBrownCompany (CBC), a marketing firm specializing in mission-based organizations, and OnePoll, a respected market research firm whose clients include Hershey, Marriott, and Jif Peanut Butter.

The study surveyed 3,500 American men from diverse backgrounds and examined two key areas:

  • Our results show that American men are facing a friendship recession. They feel lonely, isolated, and are looking for ways to better connect. Findings from our study include:

    • One in four (27%) U.S. men are lonely. Only 36% reported being "rarely" or "never lonely."
    • This friendship recession is compounded by the social climate of today: declining religious involvement, lower marriage rates, and changing work environments.
    • Men desire increased volunteerism, with 64% wishing for an easier way to get involved with charitable acts in their community.

    Our team's research and findings suggest that there is a strong case to be made for Freemasonry serving as an antidote to the social needs of modern U.S. men.

  • In The Path Forward, we revisited questions from our original 2016 study to further understand Freemasonry's appeal to U.S. men and what would motivate them to join.

    • Awareness and understanding of Freemasonry has greatly improved with 82% of American men aware of Freemasons. Understanding of Freemasonry has nearly doubled since 2016, increasing from 20% to 39%.
    • Millennials are the new target market with 77% of millennials surveyed saying they would consider joining once learning more about Freemasonry.
    • The fundamental values of Freemasonry strongly appeal to American men with 91% identifying at least one essential element that describes Freemasonry as attractive to them.

    The current research reaffirms one of the key findings of the original study: if positioned correctly, with messaging that reflects the authentic spiritual core of the Craft, Freemasonry is an attractive and viable fraternal membership option for men today. Learn more in our webinar presentation of our Path Forward survey results.

Learn more in our Path Forward webinar below, which outlines additional survey findings and insights.

Success with the Path Forward

Brother Mike Burnham, Membership Committee Chairman, Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Wisconsin:

“The digital resources provided by the NJAMAM campaign have been nothing short of transformative for our membership recruitment initiatives. We've integrated these valuable materials across multiple platforms, including our Grand Lodge website, various digital marketing campaigns, and our social media channels. This integration has not only enhanced our online presence but also ensured consistent branding and messaging, which are pivotal in representing the esteemed values and traditions of Freemasonry.” 

The Path Forward Campaigns & Resources

Armed with the right knowledge and tools, Masonic marketers can confidently and positively promote Freemasonry and Scottish Rite Freemasonry on the local or state level. 

Download our free resources to get started.

  • Our Anthemic Campaign for Freemasonry

    Not Just A Man. A Mason.

    Learn more about the campaign used by Grand Lodges across the globe.

  • The Campaign for Scottish Rite

    Journey On

    Journey On is Scottish Rite's signature anthemic campaign to instill pride in our fraternity while increasing membership. 

  • Best Practices for Promoting Freemasonry

    Masonic Marketing Series

    From Facebook to email and everything in between, you too can employ the same strategies and use the same materials to stoke Freemasonry’s visibility in your area.

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The Path Forward News & Highlights

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