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tutor showing flash cards to two students

Children's Dyslexia Centers

Helping Children Reach Their Full Potential

For 30 years, our Children's Dyslexia Centers have been nationally recognized leaders in the effort to help children and their families overcome the painful and often debilitating learning disability that is dyslexia.

Our 40+ Children’s Dyslexia Centers in 13 states within our jurisdiction provide free or low-cost tutoring for children with dyslexia. We also train a growing cadre of highly skilled and dedicated tutors.

Learn more at the Children's Dyslexia Centers website.

"Eli is discovering new worlds in books and thriving in his school classroom. As a family, we cannot say thank you enough to the CDC for transforming our son's life."

- A Grateful Parent

Investing In Our Future

In 1994, the Scottish Rite Freemasons of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction partnered with Massachusetts General Hospital’s Language Disorders Unit to launch a major endeavor to help ease the life-long challenges faced by children with dyslexia. Until this program was launched, no other national charity had adopted this critical need as a major concern.

Close to three decades later, the program continues to provide intervention at reduced or no charge to children from early elementary through high school who have a profile suggesting dyslexia. Children are eligible regardless of economic status. The positive impact of early intervention on the lives of these children and their families is enormous and inspires our commitment to this program.

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How Can You Help?

Since our inception, we have changed lives forever with the help of professional staff, trainees, volunteers and friends.

  •  More than 16,000 children assisted through our program
  • 40+ locations providing training courses and intervention to children
  • 4,200+ tutors certified in our training courses

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