Brother Kamel Oussayef, 33°, shares his expertise on the 1st through the 33rd degrees of Freemasonry in new book.
For centuries, Masonic degrees have been the core of our Craft, serving as a moral compass on the road to self-discovery and more light.
Many of our degrees and rituals are hundreds of years old, derived from the practices of ancient stonemasons of the medieval ages, and have evolved over several decades to fit the needs of modern Masons. Much can be learned from studying the evolution, reforms, and adaptations of our fraternity’s rituals. To help today’s Brothers learn from Freemasonry’s history, Brother Kamel Oussayef, 33°, has published Freemasonry from the 1st to the 33rd Degree (According to an 1875 French Manuscript Written in Lausanne, Switzerland).
About “Freemasonry From the 1st to the 33rd Degree
In Freemasonry From the 1st to the 33rd Degree, Ill. Brother Oussayef provides insight and expertise on the 33 Masonic degrees through annotation of a centuries-old document from an 1875 reunion of several “confederated Supreme Councils” of the Scottish Rite in Switzerland.
The goal of this annotated translation is to help Masons, students, scholars, and historians of Freemasonry understand the evolution of the rituals and garner a deeper appreciation of what they mean to our fraternity.
Be assured that this book does not overtly reveal anything to the public. The culture and practice of Freemasonry has its own vocabulary, written and spoken language, its civic and spiritual traditions. The integrity of these secrets is firmly protected in Ill. Brother Oussayef’s work.
The rare Swiss transcript that is annotated in this book comes from the vaults of the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library, where Brother Oussayef, 33°, has been a long-time partner.
To purchase a copy of this exceptional book, click here for a Kindle edition from Amazon. Click here for a physical copy from The Masonic Marketplace.
About Brother Oussayef, 33°
Brother Kamel Oussayef, 33°, is a member of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite (AASR) in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. He was born in Sétif, Algeria, schooled during his teenage years in Sceaux, near Paris, and resided, studied, and worked in France for many years.
He holds a Master of Arts degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a Master of Science from the School of Public Communications at Boston University.
Kamel has worked as a volunteer at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library in Lexington, Massachusetts since 2003, and is now the museum’s “Author-in-Residence.” His books are a contribution to the study of the genesis of the rituals of the Higher Degrees of Freemasonry.
Previously published are The Book of Wisdom, The Spirit of Freemasonry, Saint Edouard: A 1748 Masonic Lodge During the French Enlightenment, and Freemasonry by Questions & Answers, including a ritual in three degrees for a women’s Masonic lodge. All are annotated translations from the collection of rare French Masonic manuscripts at the Museum.
A novel entitled, A Freemason’s Journey through Space and Time is soon to be published by the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library in Lexington and is sponsored by the AASR Supreme Council, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. The novel is written in collaboration with Jacques G. Ruelland, PhD, 33°, an AASR Deputy for the Province of Quebec, Canada.
Kamel and his wife, Mary Park Lenox, live in Winchester, Massachusetts.
We congratulate Illustrious Brother Oussayef on this tremendous accomplishment; Freemasonry From the 1st to the 33rd Degree is a book that will be referenced by Brethren and Masonic scholars for generations to come.
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