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How does a man measure his life? As Freemasons, we measure our progress by the degrees that light the way to the East. But when the sublime degree is achieved, where does one go to further master the Craft?

Dear Brethren and our extended Masonic family,

We are proud to share with you our newest video: “Hourglass.”

Building on the success of our award-winning Journey On campaign, “Hourglass” leverages Freemasonry’s beloved, symbolic emblem to illustrate how the Scottish Rite offers a rich extension of the Masonic journey.

Watch and enjoy below.

[00:02] How does a man measure his life?

[00:06] As Freemasons, we measure our progress by the degrees which light the way to the East.

[00:12] But when the sublime degree is achieved, where does one go to further master the Craft?

[00:19] We are the Scottish Rite. Worthy Master Masons continuing our journey through [00:27] 29 degrees, six core values, and a commitment for continual learning and self-improvement.

[00:34] Traveling always toward more light, more charity, and more brotherhood.

[00:40] As Scottish Rite Freemasons, our journey never ends.

[00:48] Join us and Journey On.

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