Dear Brethren and our extended Masonic family,
We are proud to share with you our newest video: “Hourglass.”
Building on the success of our award-winning Journey On campaign, “Hourglass” leverages Freemasonry’s beloved, symbolic emblem to illustrate how the Scottish Rite offers a rich extension of the Masonic journey.
Watch and enjoy below.
[00:02] How does a man measure his life?
[00:06] As Freemasons, we measure our progress by the degrees which light the way to the East.
[00:12] But when the sublime degree is achieved, where does one go to further master the Craft?
[00:19] We are the Scottish Rite. Worthy Master Masons continuing our journey through [00:27] 29 degrees, six core values, and a commitment for continual learning and self-improvement.
[00:34] Traveling always toward more light, more charity, and more brotherhood.
[00:40] As Scottish Rite Freemasons, our journey never ends.
[00:48] Join us and Journey On.
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