In 2017, the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction worked to help revitalize Freemasonry through the Path Forward program and the “Not Just A Man. A Mason.” campaign. Today, the program’s message and its elements continue to renew pride among Masons and help lodges around the world bring in new men of character.
In 2022, we decided the time had come to bring this same energy and creativity to work for the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. As such, we invite you to watch “Journey On.”
Learn more about our anthemic campaign for Scottish Rite Freemasonry, Journey On, and discover our accompanying campaign videos and materials by clicking here.
[Music begins]
Narrator: the journey begins in the heart [0:14] always in the heart
Narrator: it starts as a feeling [0:19] the inspiration that your path is different
Narrator: the path not just of a man [0:28] but of a mason
for hundreds of years masons have been [0:32] traveling men [0:34] the path of the ancient stonemasons is [0:37] marked by the world's great cathedrals [0:40] and other monuments and stone
Narrator: today Masons continue the path of the [0:46] ancient traveling men our path to the [0:49] east [0:51] marked by the degrees of our Craft
Narrator: Entered Apprentice [0:56] Fellowcraft, Master Mason
Narrator: at each step more secrets are revealed
Narrator: more lessons learned
Narrator: for some, even as a Master Mason, the [1:08] heart of the traveler is not yet still [1:13] the road still calls
Narrator: we are the men of Scottish Rite Freemasonry
Narrator: select, worthy, and deeply bound by our Core [1:26] Values. [1:28] Integrity, Service to Humanity
Narrator: Justice, [1:34] Tolerance, Devotion to Country, [1:37] and Reverence for God
Narrator: as Scottish Rite Freemasons we continue to push to the east and more light [1:46] we journey on, answering the call to grow [1:49] as noble craftsmen
Narrator: we journey on [1:54] knowing that, as Scottish Rite Masons, [1:56] there is always more to feel [1:59] to share [2:00] to strive for.
Narrator: Do you feel the call of Scottish Rite Freemasonry?
Narrator: Look inside for the answer.
Narrator: The journey begins in the heart. Always in the heart.
Narrator: Scottish Rite Freemasonry. [2:24] Journey On.
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