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A National Brother’s Day message from Sovereign Grand Commander Walt Wheeler, 33° on the Scottish Rite’s Brotherhood, bounded not by blood, but by commitment to the Craft.

Dear Brothers,

My colleagues recently informed me that May 24th is National Brother’s Day. Being an only child, this holiday is new to me, but it is the perfect opportunity to acknowledge the tens of thousands of Brothers within our Masonic circles who are bound not by blood, but by our commitment to the Craft and our Masonic obligation to care for one another.

SGC Walt Wheeler with his fellow Brothers
Sovereign Grand Commander Walt Wheeler, 33° with his fellow Valley of Michigan Brothers.

My Masonic journey began in DeMolay, where the cornerstone of my fraternal foundation was set in stone. My continued path to the East brought me to the Scottish Rite, where my journey towards more light continues.

Scottish Rite Masons are guided by our six Core Values: Integrity. Justice. Tolerance. Devotion to Country. Reverence for God. Service to Humanity. Being surrounded by like-minded men who share these same Core Values brings me immense joy and fulfillment. Today, I’m reminded of the Brotherhood that lies at the center of my gratitude.

Valley of Michigan with SGC Walt Wheeler
Sovereign Grand Commander Walt Wheeler, 33° at the Valley of Michigan's Farewell Fall Festival & Reunion.

Among the many lessons gained on my path toward the East, one truth remains clear: there are no strangers in Freemasonry, only Brothers we have not yet met.

Cheers, my Brothers, on this special day that celebrates YOU.

Brother Walt

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