We created The Path Forward program in 2017 to revitalize Freemasonry and show the world what we, as Freemasons, are really all about. As part of this program, the Supreme Council created “Nice Guys.” Watch this video for a behind-the-scenes look at the production of "Nice Guys” and hear from Scottish Rite leaders on the meaning and inspiration for this campaign.
Learn more about The Path Forward
Learn more about our “Not Just A Man. A Mason” campaign
0:01 - 0:20
James Dill, 33°: There's a narrative out there about what Freemasons are. Well, there is a better way to tell the story from our perspective, not letting the world decide who we are and what we are. And in our series, it's our hope to make Freemasons proud and remember why we joined this great institution.
0:22 - 0:32
Len Cercone, 32°, Partner, CerconeBrownCompany: We're on set and we are telling a story and showing the real roots and the real values of Masonry in a way that we really haven't seen too often before this.
0:32 - 0:50
Linda Patch, Director of Communications Scottish Rite, NMJ: This is about inspiring men to be the best that they can be. It is the call to arms, in a way, to be a mason in society today. Be who you are. Live the values, be the beacon, be the force for good in the world.
0:50 - 1:06
Max Guitierrez, Director, ACE: Any time you're working with someone who is trying to make a positive difference, that means a lot. I've got kids and they're going to inherit this place. And, you know, to see someone out there who really cares to try to make a difference is nice. They're good people. So it feels good to help them with their mission.
1:07 - 1:17
James Moore, Executive Producer, ACE: But we produce a lot of projects, working with a lot of different companies and brands, but it's rare that we actually get to produce content that can help and impact people in a positive way.
1:19 - 1:32
Len Cercone, 32°, Partner, CerconeBrownCompany: We're helping one of the oldest and most important organizations revive and really, truly take its rightful place in the world again. It's happening and we see it happening since we started this. And it's been a privilege to play a small part in it.
1:32 - 1:46
Chris Pollack, Executive Producer, ACE: For an organization as far as they go back, to be able to embrace video and embrace social media and bridge the gap between the old days and the contemporary man now. And for us to be able to deliver that message has been amazing.
1:48 - 2:02
James Dill, 33°: We know as Masons that there is something bigger and there's something better that we're supposed to be working towards all the time. What better imagery than this to show just how big we can be if we really try?
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