The Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, NMJ is pleased to introduce to members Pathfinder, designed to help every member continue their quest for self-improvement.
In February 2022 we announced Journey On, the inspiring new campaign for the Scottish Rite, NMJ. At that time, we promised the membership of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction that the campaign was just the beginning of additional, rich programming designed to enhance the Scottish Rite experience.
It is the distinct pleasure of the Supreme Council to present Pathfinder: The Journey of a Lifetime.

Why We Created Pathfinder
Since the inception of our Path Forward initiative in 2017, the Supreme Council has been steadily working to increase member engagement and advance our use of technology to provide members with an exciting and meaningful Scottish Rite experience. We’ve made significant progress on this front with the launch of Virtual Reunions, Thursday Night at the Rite, the Hauts Grades Academy, and Journey On. Pathfinder is the latest addition to this suite of member resources, and serves as the next step in our Path Forward.
In our most recent survey we found that an overwhelming majority of members listed “continuing the Masonic journey” (89%) and “continuing my personal journey” (81%) as some of the top reasons to join our fraternity. This feedback formed the foundation of the Journey On campaign. Pathfinder is intended to help members live by the inspirational mantras found in Journey On through an enrichment program focused on Masonic education and personal development.
What is Pathfinder?
Our journey and search for Masonic light began in the Blue Lodge. After being raised to the Sublime degree of a Master Mason, the world of Freemasonry opened wide for us. When we chose to join the Scottish Rite, NMJ, our 29 degrees offered the “Journey of a Lifetime” as we pursued further light in Freemasonry. The Pathfinder program is designed to help you continue your Masonic journey, seek more light, and uncover the road that leads to the most personally fulfilling membership experience possible.
Through the completion of 32 tasks, referred to as “Mile Markers,” across five categories, called “Waypoints,” you will explore various facets of the fraternity you might have never encountered. Each Waypoint represents a different but equally important facet of our fraternity.
The five Waypoints of the Pathfinder program are outlined below:
- Organization
- Self-Improvement
- Valley Life
- Enrichment Programs
- Service & Philanthropy
Within each Waypoint are 15-20 Mile Markers from which you can choose a select number to explore. Each Mile Marker activity guides you to further discovery, knowledge, and fraternal connection that can help you become the best version of yourself.
While we remain connected in our drive for self-improvement, your experience through Pathfinder and the Mile Markers you choose to complete under each Waypoint may look wholly different from another Brother. That's the beauty of Pathfinder, and our journey through the Scottish Rite and life.
Your Field Book and Guide Book

All members of the Scottish Rite, NMJ have received a Pathfinder Field Book in the mail. Your Field Book provides the physical space for you to document your journey through the Scottish Rite and can serve as a keepsake of your experience.
Inside the cover of your Field Book is a QR code leading to the digital Guide Book, which will provide for you an overview of the Pathfinder program, the basic guidelines and resources to complete the program, and sections detailing each of the Waypoints and their respective Mile Markers.
Tracking Your Journey in the Member Center
Similar to our Passport Program, your Mile Marker activity detailed in your Field Book will also need to be added and updated in your member record in the Pathfinder section of the Member Center.

Recording your journey through Pathfinder in the Member Center will not only serve as a safeguard, in the case you should misplace your Field Book, but will also allow you to track your progress in real-time. Progress bars inside the Pathfinder portal will show you how many Mile Markers remain in completing each Waypoint.
In addition, similar to our Gold Passport, you will have the opportunity to journey through Pathfinder again upon completion. With various roads to uncover in Pathfinder, keeping a digital record of your previous “routes” will be a useful resource when pursuing a second, third, or even fourth venture through Pathfinder.
Upon completion

Once you have updated all 32 Mile Markers in the Member Center and have completed the Pathfinder Program, you will receive a Pathfinder achievement badge in the Member Center. Furthermore, the Supreme Council will automatically be notified that you have completed Pathfinder and you will receive a special, one-time Pathfinder award box as a token of appreciation for your achievement.
To help acquaint you with Pathfinder and the resources at your disposal, we host webinars the second Wednesday of every month where we walk you through the Pathfinder program and instruct you on how to make the most of your next journey.
If you have attended the webinars, read through the Guidebook, and need additional procedural assistance/support for the Pathfinder Program, please submit a Pathfinder help ticket. For general questions, you can reach out through Live Chat on the Scottish Rite, NMJ website or you can contact us at [email protected].
Journey On, Brethren. Journey On.

Visit the Pathfinder page for more information.
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