Scottish Rite Masons are permitted to wear the 14th degree ring after receiving the 14th degree, Grand Elect Mason. The ring is optional for Scottish Rite Masons to order and wear and is intended to serve as a reminder of a member’s continuing Masonic journey upon completing the Lodge of Perfection.
Additionally, some Brothers design their own 32nd degree rings to commemorate being 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Masons™. These unofficial rings can be bought and worn at any time by any 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason™.
Scottish Rite Masons who have earned the honorary 33rd degree also have the right to wear the 33rd degree ring, awarded to them by the Supreme Council.
You can learn more about the rings of 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry™, their history and symbolism, and how to wear them on our blog.
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