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Rite on the Road

Enhancing the Scottish Rite Experience

A traveling man of 32° Scottish Rite Freemasonry knows there is nothing quite like making the journey to witness a new degree. We also know traveling to witness degrees requires time and financial investment that some Brethren just cannot manage -- sometimes preventing Master Masons from joining the Scottish Rite in the first place.

Scottish Rite, NMJ hopes to make those hurdles a thing of the past with our Rite on the Road program. Designed to bring the Scottish Rite experience closer to home, Rite on the Road provides Valley officers with online access to our beloved degrees to initiate members anytime and almost anywhere, while ensuring proper protocols are still followed.

  • Each Scottish Rite, NMJ Valley has access to our Rite on the Road assets, which includes:

    • Secure, password-protected access to Scottish Rite, NMJ video assets; from the 4° to the 17°, to our “Not Just a Man. A Mason.” series
    • Guidelines and a script to ensure rituals are being properly conferred (to be administered by a Valley’s presiding officer, or his designee)
  • Thoughtfully developed with members and candidates in mind, the Rite on the Road Guide furnishes suggestions and procedural outlines to ensure Valleys have the necessary tools to deliver the best possible Scottish Rite Experience.

    Download the Rite on the Road Guide in the Leadership Resource Center. For some extra inspiration, check out our blog post: 5 Quick Tips - Welcoming A New Brother.

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