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Featured in the July 2021 Sublime Leadership newsletter, Ill. Yasser Al-Khatib, 33°, MSA, HGA, provides an update on the Hauts Grades Academy for Summer 2021.

Written By: Ill. Yasser Al-Khatib, 33°, MSA, HGA
Leadership Roles: Commander-In-Chief, Benjamin Franklin Consistory, HGA Program Chairman
Valley: Philadelphia, PA

The Hauts Grades Academy just completed its June 2021 summer class enrollment and there are currently over 1,300 active members at various stages of the program. We are very pleased to announce that 61 NMJ members have graduated and earned the title of Hauts Grades Academic and wish to congratulate these men for their devoted work.

Below is a breakdown of our graduates from each of the fifteen states in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. We are hoping to have graduates from each of these states and could use your help in promoting this program in your valley.

HGA Graduates By State:

Connecticut - 1
Delaware - 1
Illinois - 5
Indiana - 6
Maine - 1
Massachusetts - 4
Michigan - 2
New Hampshire - 1
New Jersey - 8
New York - 12
Ohio - 8
Pennsylvania - 10
Rhode Island - 1
Vermont - 0
Wisconsin - 0

Total - 61

HGA Member Guide Now Available

To help provide additional information on this program we have made the HGA Member Guide available to all members of the NMJ. It is a great overview of the HGA curriculum and clearly explains how the program works.

We encourage you and your members to check it out. It can be found in our Leadership Resource Center or the Member Center on the SRNMJ site.

The moto of HGA is Sapere Aude or Dare to Know. Through HGA we hope to challenge members to develop their skills. We are confident that HGA’s multifold program will motivate our members to learn more about the Scottish Rite and to use its values in everyday life. HGA is not designed to be a means end. It rather sets the member with the essential tools necessary for their Masonic journey. Whether the member is 20 or 80 years of age, and whether he has written many papers or not even one, HGA is for all. HGA is not easy, but worth it! It will teach members that when they set their mind…they will achieve! And they are empowered to achieve with the aid of Brothers, the reviewers, who have walked the same path. The reviewers work tirelessly behind the scenes to provide support. They provide feedback, challenge, and squeeze the best out of each member. This they perform while always pouring their brotherly love along the path to self-fulfillment and glory.

Available HGA Resources:

HGA Program Page

HGA Member Guide

HGA Graduates

HGA Wait List Signup

Level 1 Description

Level one consists of 31 sections. First there is a welcome message followed by History and the 29 degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, NMJ. After the member views the welcome section, he will delve into each of the history and degrees. After each degree the member will complete a quiz made up of 4 questions. There is no limit to how many times one can take each quiz. When all 31 sections are completed, the member will advance to level 2.

Level 2 Description

At this level, the member will choose Nine degrees and submit an essay for each separately. These essays are 2 pages in length. The member will discuss certain aspects that will help them better learn the core values of each degree and reflect on the moral values. Once the member submits their first essay; we will review it. Some essays might require frequent revisions before passing. The work progresses with one essay at a time until all 9 are completed.

Level 3 Description

This level consists of the Magnum Opus i.e. the member’s Research Paper. The member will submit a research paper proposal. Once the proposal is approved by the HGA committee, the member will complete and submit the paper. A research paper passes when deemed scholarly and ready for publication.

Program Completion Recognition & Awards

Once a member completes Level 3, they become a Hauts Grades Academic and are entitled to receive the diploma and jewel of the HGA. They are now worthy of adding the letters HGA to their credentials in the Scottish Rite. Example, John Doe, 32°, HGA. The Deputy and/or Valley will then organize a formal presentation. The member will be invested with the jewel and diploma of the Academy.

We thank you for all that you do for Freemasonry and the Scottish Rite. We hope that you will join HGA and help us promote Masonic Light and Scholarship.

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