HGA Graduates
Designed to promote the education, knowledge and engagement of Scottish Rite, NMJ members, the challenging Hauts Grades Academy (HGA) curriculum provides members with an opportunity to delve deeper into the study of the Scottish Rite degrees.
Meet some of the HGA’s recent graduates below. Scottish Rite, NMJ members can read the HGA graduates’ full body of scholarly work, including reflective essays and research projects.
If you have general questions about HGA, you can also email us at [email protected].
Hauts Grades Academic
At full completion, a graduate will earn the honor of becoming a Scottish Rite Hauts Grades Academic, and will be entitled to include the letters HGA after his name. A certificate and HGA jewel will also be awarded upon completion. The overall goal of this program is an enriching educational experience. Sapere Aude!
Bro. Heriberto Cruz-Olivieri, 32°, HGA
Date: 3/25/2025
Valley: Northern New Jersey, NJ
Title: The Philosophical and Ethical Dimensions of the 29th Degree, Knight of Saint AndrewBro. Michael P. Goyne, 32°, HGA
Date: 3/17/2025
Valley: Scranton, PA
Title: Heroic Acts of Chaplains in The Military, their Association with Scottish Rite Core Values and Biblical Figures and QuotesIll. Victor J. Stone, 33°, HGA
Date: 3/5/2025
Valley: Burlington, VT
Title: Selfless Service and the Knight of ValorBro. Bryan E. Simmons, 32°, HGA
Date: 3/2/2025
Valley: Boston, MA
Title: Hope in the Scottish Rite: A Deeper ExplorationBro. Donald W. Cramer, 32°, HGA
Date: 2/18/2025
Valley: Harrisburg, PA
Title: A Comparison of the James Buchanan Presidency to the Reign of Herod the Great through the Lens of the Seventeenth Degree: Knight of the East and West
Bro. Basilios E. Tsingos, 32°, HGA
Date: 2/18/2025
Valley: Boston, MA
Title: ‘Expedient’ Change and Responsive Reactions: Masonic De-Christianization and the Development of High Degree Freemasonry
Bro. Yi Zheng, 32°, HGA
Date: 2/14/2025
Valley: Boston, MA
Title: Scottish Rite of Freemason’s Impact on Western and Eastern Cultures
Bro. Jason D. Crook, 32°, HGA
Date: 1/9/2025
Valley: Wilmington, DE
Title: The Hive within the Valley: Uniting Scottish Rite Masonry and Beekeeping for Organizational Renewal -
Bro. Andrew D. Harding, 32°, HGA
Date: 11/17/2024
Valley: Boston, MA
Title: A Comparative Study of the Scottish Rite NMJ Degrees and the Rule of Saint Benedict: Philosophical and Moral ParallelsBro. Frank Mesaros, Jr., 32°, HGA
Date: 11/11/2024
Valley: Allentown, PA
Title: History and Symbolism of the Fourteenth DegreeBro. Stephen J. Wilson, 32°, HGA
Date: 11/03/2024
Valley: Reading, PA
Title: Exploring the Philosophical Foundations of the Scottish RiteBro. Matheus Krevonis, 32°, HGA
Date: 10/27/2024
Valley: Boston, MA
Title: The Symbolism and Philosophy of Sacrifice in the 18th Degree Knight of the Rose Croix of H.R.D.M.Bro. Samuel A. Donelly, 32°, HGA
Date: 10/27/2024
Valley: Harrisburg, PA
Title: The Impact of Literature in Scottish Rite FreemasonryBro. Ralph Castro, 32°, HGA
Date: 10/22/2024
Valley: The Hudson, NY
Title: The Ethics of AI: Guiding the future with Masonic PrinciplesBro. Thomas J. Greenwich, 32°, HGA
Date: 10/15/2024
Valley: Chicago, IL
Title: Blending Masonic and Military Values: “A Pathway to Revitalizing Leadership Techniques Through Core Values in Freemasonry”Bro. Kyle N. Gamache, 32°, HGA
Date: 10/4/2024
Valley: Providence, RI
Title: Trials and Tribulations of the Masonic Hero: A Journey through the Ordeals of the Scottish Rite DegreesBro. Jonathan J. Purdy, 32°, HGA
Date: 9/26/2024
Valley: Aroostook, ME
Title: An Executive review of the Core Values of Scottish Rite Masonry.Bro. David B. Haseman, 32°, HGA
Date: 9/3/2024
Valley: Concord, NH
Title: The Great Light in Masonry: Suggested Biblical Citations for Scottish Rite Assemblies for Degree Presentations or BusinessBro. William L. Britton, 32°, HGA
Date: 9/3/2024
Valley: Harrisburg, PA
Title: A Correlation The Valley of Jehoshaphat and the 13° Master of the Ninth Arch Degree in the Scottish RiteBro. Jerry T. Moyes, 32°, HGA
Date: 8/27/2024
Valley: George Rogers Clark, IN
Title: The Knighting Ceremony Origin, History, and use in The Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, USA.Bro. Kevin B. Keith, 32°, HGA
Date: 8/22/2024
Valley: Indianapolis, IN
Title: Hiram Abiff as Servant Leader: An Eisegetical Interpretation of the Fourth DegreeBro. Edgardo G. Gonzalez, 32°, HGA
Date: 8/22/2024
Valley: Providence, RI
Title: Can Cybernetics enable the practical application of the Core Values of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in daily life?Bro. Michael J. Murphy, 32°, HGA
Date: 8/12/2024
Valley: Portland, ME
Title: The Eagle of East and WestBro. Christopher Carosa, 32°, HGA
Date: 7/24/2024
Valley: Rochester, NY
Title: Do Better Men Make Better Leaders? How Various Scottish Rite Degrees Incorporate and Demonstrate Leadership Theories and PracticeBro. Thomas E. Mitchell, Jr., 32°, HGA
Date: 7/17/2024
Valley: Michigan, MI
Title: Devotion to Country: Masonic and Scottish Rite Core ValuesBro. Frank J. Sforza, 32°, MSA, HGA
Date: 7/1/2024
Valley: Rockville Centre, NY
Title: The Rosicrucians and Their Influence on FreemasonryBro. Alan K. Jacobson, 32°, HGA
Date: 6/18/2024
Valley: Michigan, MI
Title: Albert Pike and Voltaire on Tolerance in the 10th DegreeBro. Michael Loiacono, 32°, HGA
Date: 6/14/2024
Valley: Northern New Jersey, NJ
Title: 12 Angry MasonsBro. Christopher L. Mencke, 32°, HGA
Date: 6/14/2024
Valley: Cleveland, OH
Title: Our Values Light the PathBro. Shannon R. Sopha, 32°, HGA
Date: 6/14/2024
Valley: Portsmouth-Dover, NH
Title: The Sacred Words of The Ineffable Degrees, 4° - 14° Attributes of God
Bro. Matthew J. McMahon, 32°, HGA
Date: 6/7/2024
Valley: Boston, MA
Title: Collegiate and Masonic Fraternal Systems in Early America: A paper on the historic parallels between the evolution of "class societies,” and the Scottish Rite System of Degrees within the United States.Bro. Stacey B. Jones, 32°, HGA
Date: 6/3/2024
Valley: Indianapolis, IN
Title: Immortal ChaplainsBro. Fabio M de Souza, 32°, HGA
Date: 5/19/2024
Valley: Northern New Jersey, NJ
Title: Love as the Pathway for Universal Fraternity
Bro. Robert J. Brower, III, 32°, HGA
Date: 5/19/2024
Valley: Dayton, OH
Title: Huey Lewis Explains It All: The central place of love in life, religion, and the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
Bro. James D. Poer, 32°, HGA
Date: 4/29/2024
Valley: Indianapolis, IN
Title: Qualities of Masonic Character, Building a Mason's Character
Bro. Brennen T. Stiffler, 32°, HGA
Date: 4/12/2024
Valley: Altoona, PA
Title: Saint Andrew and His Knights: The History of Saint Andrew, The Knights of Saint Andrew, and the Scottish Rite BodyBro. Shaun D. Stagner, 32°, HGA
Date: 4/2/2024
Valley: Utica, NY
Title: The Differences in the Northern and Southern Masonic Jurisdiction Degrees: Their History, and How We Can Use Them in Everyday Life.Bro. Sami Isbitan, 32°, HGA
Date: 3/13/2024
Valley: Chicago, IL
Title: Exploring Scottish Rite Masonry Core Values in the Arab WorldBro. Jason W. Godios, 32°, HGA
Date: 3/11/2024
Valley: Buffalo, NY
Title: Brothers of the Forest: Famous Native American Freemasons, and their impact on the CraftBro. Naresh Selvarasu, 32°, HGA
Date: 3/11/2024
Valley: Concord, NH
Title: Values of Scottish Rite and Freemasonry: A Beacon of Hope for the World and the Sustaining Force of The EnlightenmentBro. Justus E. Fischer, 32°, HGA
Date: 2/28/2024
Valley: Chicago, IL
Title: A brief history of the Valley of ChicagoBro. Robert J. Permenter, 32°, HGA
Date: 2/28/2024
Valley: Boston, MA
Title: So, What is my Obligation?Bro. Ronald C. Nischwitz, Sr., 32°, HGA
Date: 1/30/2024
Valley: Dayton, OH
Title: Core Values and Personal Contemplation of The Scottish Rite Allegorical DegreesBro. Jeffrey S. Wilkins, 32°, HGA
Date: 1/8/2024
Valley: Michigan, MI
Title: History, Symbolism, and Esoteric Importance of the Twenty-Sixth DegreeBro. John P. Shekitka, 32°, HGA
Date: 1/2/2024
Valley: The Hudson, NY
Title: Solomon’s Temple in the Early Modern Period, Sir Isaac Newton and the Development of the Scottish Rite Degrees -
Bro. George E. Moore, 32°, HGA
Date: 11/21/2023
Valley: Dayton, OH
Title: What’s in a Word... Future Generations Shall Discover... (‘The Name’ & ‘The Nine’ Arches: Comparing Scottish Rite & Ohio Cryptic Rite)Bro. Robert D. Stacoffe, 32°, MSA, HGA
Date: 10/5/2023
Valley: Columbus, OH
Title: The 25th Degree - Commentary on Benjamin Franklin's LifeBro. Brian T. Blouin, 32°, HGA
Date: 9/11/2023
Valley: Columbus, OH
Title: Change is Necessary: The History of the 4ºBro. Derek A. Jones, 32°, HGA
Date: 9/07/2023
Valley: Bangor, ME
Title: The Ultimate Degree of Ancient Craft Freemasonry: An Argument for Revision of the 13° of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Northern Masonic JurisdictionBro. Shannon D. Fullmer, 32°, HGA
Date: 7/23/2023
Valley: Chicago, IL
Title: Core-Value Collage: A Philosophical Contemplation, Synthesis, and Expansion of Integrity via the Scottish Rite Degree RitualsBro. Harald S. Christiansen, 32°, HGA
Date: 5/17/2023
Valley: Augusta, ME
Title: Why Those Who Serve Seek a Code : What Drives a Life of ServiceBro. Richard P. Sagistano, 32°, HGA
Date: 5/15/2023
Valley: Rockville Centre, NY
Title: The Ancient Mysteries and How Their Principles are Rooted in the Twenty-First and Twenty-Second DegreeBro. Henry M. Peacock, 32°, HGA
Date: 4/23/2023
Valley: Hartford, CT
Title: Symbolism in the 13th DegreeBro. Troy W. Clements, 32°, HGA
Date: 4/17/2023
Valley: Indianapolis, IN
Title: The Tip of the Iceberg: The Scottish Rite of the Valley of Indianapolis, A.A.S.R.N.M.J.Bro. Michael G. Boyd, 32°, HGA
Date: 3/14/2023
Valley: Danville, IL
Title: A New Form of Knighthood: Medievalism in The Scottish RiteBro. William D. Anderson, 32°, HGA
Date: 3/12/2023
Valley: Michigan, MI
Title: The Historic Background of the Scottish Rite Degrees, Mount Rushmore National Memorial, and their Interconnections -
Bro. Ronald A. Murad, 32°, HGA
Date: 12/17/2022
Valley: Northern New Jersey, NJ
Title: The Truth - Maybe - of the Morgan Affair: Its Impact on Anti-Masonry and its Application to the Core Values of the Scottish RiteBro. Ismael De Jesus, Jr., 32°, HGA
Date: 10/1/2022
Valley: South Bend, IN
Title: TemptationBro. Steven D. Redding, 32°, HGA
Date: 9/23/2022
Valley: Scranton, PA
Title: Zerubbabel: Greater than we knewBro. Benjamin Feldman, 32°, HGA
Date: 9/16/2022
Valley: Concord, NH
Title: A Road to Self-Actualization: Freemasonry and the Scottish Rite Viewed Through Theories of Human Motivation and BehaviorBro. Scott M. Mark, 32°, HGA
Date: 9/08/2022
Valley: Pittsburgh, PA
Title: The perceived conflict between Christianity/Catholicism and Scottish Rite MasonryBro. Christopher M. Potts, 32°, HGA
Date: 8/23/2022
Valley: Michigan, MI
Title: Rev. David Burnham Tracy: A Civil War Chaplain’s Impact on Michigan FreemasonryBro. Robert C. PIttman, 32°, MSA, HGA
Date: 7/23/2022
Valley: Southern New Jersey, NJ
Title: Masonry View Through The Scottish RiteBro. Michael P. Paul, 32°, MSA, HGA
Date: 6/8/2022
Valley: New Castle, PA
Title: A Journey into the History and Lore of the Rose CroixBro. Billy K. Parks, Jr., 32°, HGA
Date: 5/14/2022
Valley: Cincinnati, OH
Title: The Influence of the Western Esoteric Tradition on the Development of the Scottish Rite DegreesBro. Lanning L. Levine, 32°, HGA
Date: 4/26/2022
Valley: Boston, MA
Title: The Influence of Freemasonry and Scottish Rite Freemasonry on the Founding of the Boy ScoutsBro. Max A. Kalkstein, 32°, HGA
Date: 1/25/2022
Valley: Bridgeport, CT
Title: Profit from its Pages The Volume of Sacred Law, The Book of LIfe, and the Lessons of the 17th Degree: Knight of the East and WestBro. Hady Aouad, 32°, HGA
Date: 1/16/2022
Valley: New York City, NY
Title: The Vigil of Arms and the Temptations of the 32°Bro. Olimpiu M. Bucin, 32°, HGA
Date: 1/2/2022
Valley: Northern New Jersey, NJ
Title: Understanding Scottish Rite Rituals - Tradition vs. Innovation -
Bro. Mark L. Mason, 32°, HGA
Date: 11/27/2021
Valley: Southern New Jersey, NJ
Title: History of the Scottish Rite
Bro. Jason D. MacKeen, 32°, HGA
Date: 11/13/2021
Valley: Southeastern Mass, MA
Title: When We Remembered Zion: A Comparative Analysis of the Second Temple In Masonic and Historical LiteratureBro. Graig A. Huber, 32°, HGA
Date: 10/3/2021
Valley: Indianapolis, IN
Title: Zerubbabel: The Fourth Grand Master of Ancient Craft MasonryIll. Harry E. Hackman, 33°, HGA
Date: 8/6/2021
Valley: Reading, PA
Title: Comparisons between the Essene Qumran Community, Christianity, and FreemasonryBro. Peter H. Cormack, 32°, HGA
Date: 7/13/2021
Valley: Rochester, NY
Title: The Core Value of TolerationIll. David J. Walters, II, 33°, HGA
Date: 6/20/2021
Valley: Wilmington, DE
Title: In Pursuit of Honor; The Need for a Code of Conduct Today's Modern Age of Freemasonry.Bro. James E. Mabey, 32°, HGA
Date: 6/4/2021
Valley: Bloomington, IL
Title: The 32° - Contrast & Comparison; Past, Present & FutureBro. Jack Freund, 32°, HGA
Date: 5/29/2021
Valley: Columbus, OH
Title: From Darkness to Light to Darkness Again: The Initiatic Importance of Confronting MortalityBro. Gary E. Bridgwater, 33°, MSA, HGA
Date: 6/4/2021
Valley: George Rogers Clark, IN
Title: Brother To Brother: Building Bridges into the FutureIll. Walter S. Muller, 33°, HGA
Date: 2/5/2021
Valley: Scranton, PA
Title: The Two Brethren Who Would Cause Havoc Through The Cerneau Rite of Masonry in Pennsylvania, The Tale of John H. Dusenbury and Asa B. StevensBro. Robert S. Dilworth, 32°, HGA
Date: 1/10/2021
Valley: Northern New Jersey, NJ
Title: The Core Values An Observation of Theoretical Methodology Versus Practical Implementation. -
Bro. John E. Zabel, 32°, HGA
Date: 11/15/2020
Valley: Rochester, NY
Title: The 18th Degree’s Philosophy and Symbolic MeaningsIll. Roger E. Givens, Jr., 33°, MSA, HGA
Date: 8/19/2020
Valley: Steubenville, OH
Title: Scottish Rite Core Values a Modern Promethus?Bro. Neil C. Clayton, 32°, HGA
Date: 8/18/2020
Valley: Indianapolis, IN
Title: Plato’s Republic and Scottish Rite Freemasonry “Become the Best Version of You”Bro. Michael E. Ludwig, 32°, HGA
Date: 4/26/2020
Valley: Reading, PA
Title: An Historical and Symbolic Analysis of the 18th Degree: Knight of the Rose Croix of H.R.D.M.Bro. Michael A. Czech, 32°, HGA
Date: 4/04/2020
Valley: Northern New Jersey, NJ
Title: The Manifestation Of Courage: The Psychology of Sacrifice As Seen In Scottish Rite DegreesBro. Roger W. Peak, 32°, HGA
Date: 2/19/2020
Valley: Michigan, MI
Title: Benjamin Franklin’s Virtues -
Bro. Brian L. Ellis, 32°, HGA
Date: 9/4/2019
Valley: The Androscoggin, ME
Title: Maine Mason, Scottish Rite, and the Civil WarIll. Douglas A. Kranch, 33°, MSA, HGA
Date: 9/3/2019
Valley: The Firelands, OH
Title: The Evolution of the Fourteenth Degree in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction from Francken to 2006lll. Mark V. Cruciani, 33°, HGA
Date: 8/6/2019
Valley: Scranton, PA
Title: Knight Kadosh: Who Art Though?lll. Chad M. Lacek, 33°, HGA
Date: 3/11/2019
Valley: Chicago, IL
Title: The Secret of the Royal SecretBro. Kevin A. Wheeler, 32°, HGA
Date: 3/1/2019
Valley: Chicago, IL
Title: Freemasonry During The Civil War: Acts of Treason?Bro. David C. Hanna, 32°, HGA
Date: 3/1/2019
Valley: Cleveland, OH
Title: From Chaos to Union: A Brief History of the Scottish Rite -
Bro. Arthur F. Hebbeler, 32°, HGA
Date: 10/28/2018
Valley: Toledo, OH
Title: Ritual Reform in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction and Southern Jurisdiction AASR 1990-PresentBro. Seth C. Anthony, 32°, HGA
Date: 8/26/2018
Valley: Reading, PA
Title: The Resurrectionists: Joseph Eichbaum, Clifford MacCalla, and the Ghost of Joseph CerneauBro. Michael L. Moran, 32°, HGA
Date: 8/26/2018
Valley: Harrisburg, PA
Title: Core Values, Reflection and Scottish Rite Dramas -
lll. Mohamad A. Yatim, 33°, MSA, HGA
Date: 2/28/2017
Valley: Northern New Jersey, NJ
Title: Zerubbabel: Lessons in Morality and Truth from the 15th and 16th degree