Why join this elite level of giving? The Grand Almoner's Fund changes, and sometimes saves, the lives of our Brothers, their families, and widows. It's who we are as Scottish Rite Masons. Our commitment to each other is resolute. The Grand Almoner's Fund manifests our vision of always being there to help those in need.
Watch to learn more about how you can make a difference in the lives of many by joining the Commander’s Circle.
Narrator: The Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction Commander’s Circle is the elite giving program for Grand Almoner’s Fund.
As Scottish Rite Masons, our commitment to care for our Brothers in times of need binds us firmly to the bedrock of our values.
Narrator: Your membership in the Commander’s Circle makes that commitment manifest, as we help those less fortunate face challenges with courage and dignity.
The Commander’s Circle pin that you wear on your lapel does more than signify membership to an exclusive club. It says that you are a man rooted in Scottish Rite Values, that also serves as a deeply personal reminder that our commitment to each other is resolute. Not just because it’s the right thing to do but because we are Scottish Rite Masons.
Narrator: There are two giving levels, gold at $10,000 and silver at $5,000. Both can be financially gifted at one time or pledged monthly, annually, or in increments for up to five years.
Narrator: You are a member of the Commander’s Circle at the time of your commitment. More than 200 Scottish RIte Masons, Masonic families, organizations, are members of the Commander’s Circle and every dollar donated is tax-deductible and goes to supporting the mission to care for our members and those in need.
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