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Valley of Scranton

Valley Information

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D. A. Barrett, 32°
MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395 570-346-4609
For more information, please contact Valley of Scranton

Degrees and Events

What's happening at the Valley of Scranton

  • Valley Meeting / January 20th, 2025, 7:30pm

    Valley Meeting

    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Valley of Scranton, MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395
    Monthly Stated Meeting at 7:30 PM. Dinner at 6:30 PM. Please RSVP for dinner prepping.
  • Valley Meeting / February 17th, 2025, 7:30pm

    Valley Meeting

    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Valley of Scranton, MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395
    Monthly Stated Meeting at 7:30 PM. Dinner at 6:30 PM.
  • Valley Meeting / March 17th, 2025, 7:30pm

    Valley Meeting

    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Valley of Scranton, MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395
    Monthly Stated Meeting at 7:30 PM. Dinner at 6:30 PM.
  • Feast Paschal Lamb / April 13th, 2025, 2:45pm

    Feast of the Paschal Lamb

    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Valley of Scranton, MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395
    The annual Chapter of Rose Croix event to celebrate our fraternal bonds. All Masons, their families, and friends are invited to this business casual/ casual neat dress event. Please arrive by 2:45 PM as the performance starts at 3:00 PM. Please RSVP to [email protected], as light refreshments will follow.
  • Valley Meeting / April 21st, 2025, 6:30pm

    Valley Meeting

    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Valley of Scranton, MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395
    ** NOTE: Location and time subject to change** Spring Social Event. Check back for updates.
  • Valley Meeting / May 19th, 2025, 7:30pm

    Valley Meeting

    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Valley of Scranton, MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395
    Monthly Stated Meeting 7:30 PM. Dinner at 6:30 PM. Officer Election night for Lodge of Perfection, Council Princes of Jerusalem, and Chapter of Rose Croix.
  • Reunion / May 23rd, 2025, 6:00pm


    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Valley of Scranton, MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395
    Spring Reunion. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Degrees are TBD in Winter 2025; check back for more information. Contact the Secretary's Office to schedule 4° if needed.
  • Other / June 16th, 2025, 6:30pm

    Year-end Family Dinner

    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Valley of Scranton, MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395
    Check back in 2025! More information to be posted.
  • Other / August 15th, 2025, 10:00am

    Annual Golf Outing

    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Sugarloaf Golf Course, Sugarloaf Golf Course, 18 Golf Course Road, Berwick, PA, 18603
    Check back Spring 2025 for additional information.
  • Reunion / September 15th, 2025, 6:30pm


    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Valley of Scranton, MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395
    Fall Reunion begins—degree TBD by Spring 2025. Contact Secretary's Office to schedule for 4° if needed.
  • Reunion / October 20th, 2025, 6:30pm


    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Valley of Scranton, MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395
    Fall Reunion degree TBD in Spring 2025, check back then. Contact Secretary's Office to schedule if 4° is needed.
  • Reunion / November 17th, 2025, 6:30pm


    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Valley of Scranton, MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395
    The Fall Reunion concludes with a 32° conferral. Check back for additional information in Spring 2025. Contact the Secretary's Office if 4° is needed.
  • Other / December 14th, 2025, 2:00pm

    Christmas Party with Santa

    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Valley of Scranton, MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395
    Planning Committee's Annual Christmas Party with Santa. More information will be posted in Fall 2025.
  • Other / December 15th, 2025, 6:30pm

    Annual Member and Spouse/ significant other, Holiday Evening Dinner.

    Valley of Scranton, Pennsylvania
    Valley of Scranton, MASONIC TEMPLE, 420 N WASHINGTON AVE, Floor 3, SCRANTON, PA, 18503-1395
    Annual Holiday Dinner for members and spouse/ significant other. More details in Fall 2025.
two masons playing chess
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